Inexpensive Toys? And they can help develop fine motor skills? And get a toddler to play independently? You had me at inexpensive…or was it independent play?? [featured photo credit:] I’ve got to be honest. Harper is not big on toys. I know, the title of this post promises toys! But if we’re being real, she would rather play with an empty oatmeal container and
Improve Your Toddler’s Speech With These 3 Simple Language Games
Use these 3 simple language games to improve your toddler’s speech and help develop their articulation, language, and pre-reading skills. The following post “Improve Your Toddler’s Speech” was written in collaboration with my own mom, Jamie Bott, M.A., C.C.C. Licensed & Certified Speech & Language Pathologist / Reading Endorsed by the State of Florida. Every parent wants their child to grow up to become a
5 Simple Ways to Promote Early Literacy
Use these 5 simple tricks to help promote early literacy in your baby or toddler! Parenting is a weird thing, isn’t it? We get so ahead of ourselves sometimes and we just can’t wait for Harper to walk, and then once she starts walking, we’re like, “remember those days when I didn’t have to chase her up and down the stairs 356 times a day?”