Inside: Looking to do 3 year old preschool activities at home? Today I’m sharing my favorite activity ideas to include in your 3 year old’s daily routine. Life with a 3 year old can be challenging, right? You’ve just come out of the twos and your toddler is likely talking and asserting themselves more. Their fine motor and gross motor skills have further improved and
Morning Baskets for Preschoolers (3 & 4 Year Olds)
Inside: Wondering how you can occupy your preschooler in the morning without TV? Today I’m sharing my favorite morning routine hack: morning baskets! We’ll use easy preschool unit themes to create morning baskets for preschoolers (ages 3 and 4). Morning Baskets are my favorite way to start the day with a preschooler. If you’re new to the idea of using a morning basket, the post
How to Make a Quiet Time Bin for a 3 Year Old
Inside: Has your 3 year old stopped napping? I feel you, mama. Today I’ll show you how to establish a quiet time routine using a quiet time bin. These bins are life-changing. Who’s on the struggle bus with naptime today? Or just trying to get a minute or 10 to yourself? When your toddler refuses to nap, or you’re just unable to complete a simple
3 Year Old Bedtime Battles (And How to Stop Them)
Inside: Suffering from endless 3 year old bedtime battles? You’re not alone! Learn practical strategies for taming toddler bedtime tantrums and teach your 3 year old to fall asleep on their own. Dealing with 3 year old bedtime battles? Mama, you’re not alone. The truth is, this behavior (while unbelievably frustrating) is totally normal. If every night you dread putting your 3 year old to
3 Year Old Meal Ideas & Feeding Schedule
Inside: Looking for some easy 3 Year Old Meal Ideas? In this post I’m sharing what my 3 year old ate in a day, plus a simple feeding schedule to follow for less stressful mealtimes. If you’re in need of some healthy, practical, and most importantly – easy! – meal ideas for a 3 year old, you’re in the right place. Today I’m sharing what
My 3 Year Old’s Daily Routine
Inside: Learn how to structure your 3 year old’s daily routine. Everything from morning to bedtime, plus what to do with a 3 year old all day. Looking for a solid daily routine for your 3 year old? In this post we’ll cover everything you need to know when it comes to your 3 year old’s daily routine. 3 years old is a turning point
5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Toddler’s Expressive Language
Inside: Learn the 5 easiest ways to improve your toddler’s expressive language. These expressive language activities are perfect for little ones who need an extra boost developing their speech & language skills. There I was, standing in line at the grocery store, praying no one would talk to me (leggings, mom bun, no makeup, you get it). But when you shop with small children you