Inside: Let’s make morning busy boxes for a toddler! This game-changing idea will have them actually engaged and playing with their toys. Mornings are undoubtedly a tricky time with a toddler. You have a tiny human who has immediate needs, plus your own needs, and maybe a baby or older siblings as well? Suddenly you need to be making breakfast, holding them, reading 97 books,
DIY Christmas Cookie Play Dough Kit
This easy DIY Christmas Cookie Play Dough Kit makes the perfect homemade gift this holiday season. Toddlers, preschoolers, and big kids will LOVE receiving their own holiday play dough set. It’s been a while since we’ve shared a DIY post around here. Mostly because we’ve been busy chatting about 2 year old’s not listening and what to do with said 2 year old all day.
5 Minute Toddler Sensory Bin
Lately, I am all about this super easy (and pretty much free) toddler sensory bin. Need to make dinner? Entertain your toddler while nursing the baby? Sit for a minute? Sensory bin it is! I have a confession. I’m not the Pinterest Mom I thought I was. When my first child was just a baby, I used to ooh and aah over all of the
Make Your Home Look Brand New With This Simple Cleaning Hack
I totally realize that I’m promising big things with the title of this post. And let me just say this, I will not over-promise and under-deliver, because honestly, no one has time for that. Most of us love a good time-saving hack. And it’s no surprise that the most popular post on this site shares places to clean you probably never even thought about. So why
Easy Valentine’s Day Activities for Toddlers
Inside: Need some Easy Valentine’s Day Activities for Toddlers? We’ve got you covered with these simple, minimal-prep learning, food, and craft activities from Pinterest! Are you really surprised? It’s no secret that I love Pinterest. If I could actually try all of the ideas I’ve saved on there over the years, I would be one happy individual. One of my favorite things to do is
How to Throw the Ultimate Galentine’s Day Party
Yes, you read the title correctly. No typos here. That’s right, Galentine’s Day! It’s an actual thing. I know, first I’m trying to sell you on Pinterest Parties, then it’s Chrismukkuh, but I’m serious, Galentine’s Day is totally a real holiday and a fun reason to celebrate with your best gal pals. So what exactly is Galentine’s Day? While Valentine’s Day is all about
6 Things in Your House that Definitely Need to be Cleaned ASAP
Inside: Find out the 6 places in your home that need to be cleaned as soon as possible. You may not believe the dirt and grime hiding in these tiny places in your home. Discover how to clean these spaces easily and most important – naturally! When you live in an apartment for most of your 20’s and then finally, gloriously, get to move into a