Inside: Today I’m sharing my stay-at-home mom morning routine (step-by-step). From how I find time to get myself ready, to managing 3 kids and their different schedules, and everything in between. Let’s get started! Have you ever wondered what you should be doing as a stay at home mom? Most jobs come with some kind of training or handbook, but when you become a stay
The Daily Laundry Routine that Changed My Life as a SAHM
Inside: Learn my exact daily laundry routine for staying on top of the laundry (for a family of 5). This simple laundry system will change your life. I almost wish I could say I was being dramatic with that “life-changing” part, but I assure you – establishing a system for how you do laundry every day will seriously change your life. But first, Hi! I’m
How to Wash & Care For Cloth Diapers
Inside: find out how to wash and care for cloth diapers to keep them looking like new! This post provides step-by-step instructions, including my favorite products to make cloth diapering a breeze. Cloth diapers. Where to begin? After you finish answering every random stranger’s mundane questions (so, like, you reuse the diapers?) you can begin to fully embrace the awesomeness that is cloth diapering. When